Refused permit to hold a protest in St. George’s Square.

  • Refused permit to hold a protest in St. George’s Square.

    Refused permit to hold a protest in St. George’s Square.

    The Malta Police Union noticed reports on the media in relation to the refusal of an application to hold a protest in St. George’s Square, which was refused by the Malta Police Force.


    The Union reminds that every officer in the Police Force acts for and on behalf of the Commissioner of Police, and every decision taken, and delivered to applicants is also for and on behalf of same.


    Having this regard, although the media may have every right, provided that the provisions of Data Protection legislation are observed, to publish names of officers who sign the decision, it is also to be made clear that this decision has been taken for an on behalf of the Commissioner of Police, and not in his/her personal capacity.


    The Malta Police Union expresses solidarity with the officer concerned and does not agree with the line taken by these media to highlight specifically the officer signing the decision by publishing his name and photograph whilst stating that ‘assistant police commissioner …………………………… warned that the event cannot take place’’.


    We remind that every officer in the Malta Police Force, is doing his duty to earn a living for his/her family and does not have to be exposed for the simple reason of doing so.



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    The Executive Committee.

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