Budget 2023 – Requests

  • Budget 2023 – Requests

    Budget 2023 – Requests

    The Hon. Mr. Clyde Caruana

    Minister for Finance and Employment

    30, Maison Demandols,

    South Street,



    28th September 2022


    Subject: Budget 2023

    Dear Hon. Minister,

    The Executive Committee of the Malta Police Union discussed various issues which are currently affecting and hindering the Malta Police Force from attracting new applicants to join the Force.

    The Malta Police Force has experienced an exodus of members with experience and these have not been replaced by new ones. We estimate that another 300-400 members are needed to cater for todays’ population, tourists and additional challenges which the realities of today are bringing on the Force.

    The Union feels that apart from non-attractive wages (which hopefully would be discussed during the next Sectoral Agreement meeting), we feel that the Police (treasury) Pension is another way wish could attract prospective applicants. This thought is reinforced by pledges numbers 843 and 844 of the Electoral Manifesto of the party in Government.

    843: L-uffiċjali tal-korpi dixxiplinati huma ħaddiema u wara kull uffiċjal f’korp dixxiplinat hemm familja. Ser inżidu l-pensjoni għas-servizz skont l-aġġustament annwali tal-għoli tal-ħajja sabiex din tirrifletti aktar il-ħtiġijiet tal-ġurnata.

    844: L-inċentivi li ddaħħlu fl-2016 għal persuni li jżommu l-impjieg tagħhom wara li jilħqu l-età tal-pensjoni tagħhom ħallew il-frott. Wasal iż-żmien li nibdew proċess sabiex nestendu dawn l-inċentivi lil dawk l-uffiċjali tal-korpi dixxiplinati li jkomplu jagħtu s-servizz tagħhom wara li jkunu taw 25 sena ta’ servizz. Din l-inizjattiva ser tagħti l-opportunità lill-membri tal-korpi dixxiplinati sabiex itejbu l-pensjoni tagħhom bi 23% wara erba’ snin ta’ servizz addizzjonali

    The Executive Committee feels that even considering the realities of today, exiting a pandemic and with the Situation in Ukraine which might have an impact on our economy, these requests are still in line with what the Country can handle at the moment.

    Whilst thanking you in advance for your continuous work for the benefit of our nation,


    Best Regards,



    Executive Committee



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