The Malta Police Union is an independent and autonomous Trade Union representing the interest of Police Officers and employees of the Malta Police Force. It is not connected, neither directly nor indirectly to the Malta Police Force, either in its operations or decisions.
Yes. The Union is registered with the Registrar of Trade Unions, number RTU-302. In fact, the Malta Police Union was the first Police Union to be registered in 2015 as the Malta Police Association.
The Malta Police Union Protects and Defends the rights of its members according to its Statute. Such rights emanate from, but not limited to Employment and Industrial legislation, Collective and Sectoral Agreements together with applicable government policies.
The Malta Police Union, offers free Legal assistance and representation to its members in relation to Disciplinary Proceedings internally known as Crimes, cases before the Public Service Commission (PSC) and Individual cases (Criminal and/or Civil) which are directly related to an incident whilst on active duty of that member and where same member is a Victim.
The normal hours of work (excluding overtime) are based on 40 hours a week. However, in certain cases as may be established by law, normal hours of work can be more, but not exceeding a maximum of an average of 48 hours a week spread over a reference period of 17 weeks. In certain sectors, as the manufacture and tourism sectors, the reference period is of one year.
An employer can ask an employee to work more than an average of 48 hours per week. However in such a case, a written consent is required from the employee concerned. If an employee does not give his/her consent, the employer can neither force nor victimize that particular employee as a consequence of his/her refusal. On the other hand, if the consent is given, the employer has to ensure that the employee is given the daily rest and weekly rest periods due as established by law.
If an employee consents to work for more than an average of 48 hours per week, the employee can demand that the consent will be withdrawn. This can be done through written notice which is given to the employer. Notice must be given at least seven days before the withdrawal of the consent or at such longer periods, not exceeding three months, as may be agreed between the parties.
If the employee has not consented to work over an average of 48 hours a week, the maximum working hours including overtime shall not exceed such an average when calculated over a reference period, usually of 17 weeks. It is important to clarify that if an employee who normally works on a 40 hour week is asked to perform overtime, such overtime may be of more than 8 hours in a particular week, provided that the provisions at law regarding daily rest and weekly rest periods are observed.
Rest period from one working day to another: Every worker is entitled to a minimum daily rest period of 11 consecutive hours.
Weekly day of rest: Every worker is entitled to an uninterrupted weekly rest period of 24 hours in addition to the 11 hours daily rest within a seven day period, or 48 consecutive hours in a period of fourteen days in addition to the 11 hours daily rest.
Year 2021 has is being used as guideline.
15th October 2018 is the cut off date established in the Sectoral Agreement 2018-2023.
An officer who was engaged as a full time officer prior to the 15th October 2018, is entitled to 392 hours of paid Vacation Leave. (This includes 14 Public Holidays of 8 hours each).
A officer who was engaged as a full time officer after the 15th October 2018, is entitled to 216 hours of paid Vacation Leave. (This includes 3 Public Holidays of 8 hours each).
Officers working on reduced hours or RPC's are entitled to a pro-rata based on their weekly working hours.