Dispute on Traffic Management | SOLVED

  • Dispute on Traffic Management | SOLVED

    Dispute on Traffic Management | SOLVED

    Directive of MPU are as follows;
    1) The Blue Police issued T-Shirt (blue/black or white) shall be worn instead of the Shirt,
    2) The Police Issued Baseball Cap shall be worn instead of the normal headgear, 
    3) The Police identification Tag instead of the Insignia (if the T-Shirt is worn).
    Apparel at points 1-3 above are to worn altogether except where the officer does not have one of them. In that case, the item pertaining to the normal daily working uniform should be worn, together with the other apparel available as in the directive (example wearing of baseball cap with Police Shirt). These are ONLY applicable for SUPPLEMENTARY DUTIES as defined in Policy SOP-HRP till the issuing of these directives. The FULL daily working uniform is to be worn for other duties. 
    Other equipment and safety wear such as Bullet Proof Vests, High-Visibility vests, Body Cameras etc. are to be worn as per usual protocols.
    Apart from the above, the following are have been in effect as from the 3rd October 2021 and are for all duties.
    4) Non-Uniformed personnel are to wear blue jeans for their everyday duty. 
    5) Police vehicles exterior (only) is not to be washed.
    This directive covers ALL members of the Force in Malta and Gozo.

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